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Tuning Solutions for the Modern Gearhead

'APU1' AutoProm Package: USB Version

by Jason Riddering Date Added: Monday 30 June, 2014
This is an awesome product, I have been using it to tune my 87 Camaro and love it. Works great with TunerPro RT. I started with some simple changes like getting rid of that annoying max flow rate exceeded CEL and changing the turn on temperature for the fan. Been working my way up to more advanced changes, like running 30 lb injectors and adjusting the WOT % TPS, spark advance, and even a little fuel trim. I also really like the data logging feature and the ability to input some other data collection sensors like an accelerometer, I just wish the ECU could send data faster!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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