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'BURN2 Chip Programmer'

by Rhett Crawford Date Added: Wednesday 11 September, 2013
I bought this Burn2 from Xeoncron and I CAN NOT get it to work. Crome recognizes it and says its good to go and when I write a chip it says\"\"BURN FAIL\" ROM verification failed\" Please check the EPROM for proper connection.\"\" I\'ve tried EVERTHING over and over again to fix it (all the website to walk you through the steps to set up the burn2). and read and and forum after forum. Even tried it on my other computer. I even called Xeoncron and they said they could email Moates for me but I guess ill just try to see what I can do through Moates customer service myself...very very frustrating. I guess my first question before I do anything further.... IS THE BURN 2 COMPATABLE WITH WINDOWS 8???? if not then there\'s my problem. :/

-Rhett Crawford

Response: glad you contacted us and we were able to get things resolved.

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