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Tuning Solutions for the Modern Gearhead
EFI Live with RTACS Realtime
Notes from EFI Live's Paul Blackmore regarding using the auto-tuning feature of EFI Live with Moates hardware:
1. Check both axis of the VE table in the tuning tool to make sure the MAP and RPM headings (the ones colored sky-blue) have link PIDs associated with them. The link PIDs are usually displayed as {Link:

SAE.MAP} and {Link: SAE.RPM}.

2. Check that the units displayed for the MAP link pid are exactly the same as the units specified in the Scan Tool for that PID.

You can change the units of the VE table's MAP axis using the menu

option: Edit->Configure display units...

You can change the units of the MAP PID in the Scan Tool by displaying the [PIDS F8] tab page, right clicking on the SAE.MAP PID and selecting Imperial or Metric so that it matches the units in the VE table.

3. Make sure you start logging (red button) or monitoring (yellow button) in the Scan Tool. Otherwise real-time data will not be sent to the tuning tool's VE table and RTACS will not work.

4. Make sure the cells you want RTACS to update are not "protected".

Protected cells are displayed with a white background.

5. Set the accuracy in the [RTACS] tab page of the VE table to 0. That will turn off EFILive's auto protect feature when EFILive "thinks" the cells are accurate enough.

6. Make sure the Col, Row and BEN factor PID values are displayed and upadting with the exepeted values in the [RTACS] tab page of the VE table.

7. Make sure the min and max RTACS limits in the [RTACS] tab page of the VE table are set far enough apart so that values can be modified.

8. Make sure the "RTACS is NOT active" changes to "RTACS is active" when you expect RTACS to be working.
Here's more text from a recent email:

The most important part of the RR auto tune is to make sure the calculated BEN factor PID you are using is correctly calculating the error between the commanded v's actual (i.e. wideband measured) AFR. The error is displayed as a numerical value that represents the percentage error between the two values.


The BEN factor is calculated as (actual AFR) divided by (commanded AFR).

A value of 1.00 indicates that the commanded AFR matches the actual AFR

A value less than 1 indicates that the actual AFR is less than the commanded AFR by the fractional part of the value. i.e. if the value was 0.95, then the difference is 5%, if the value was 0.90 then the difference is 10%, if the value was 0.87 then the difference is 13% etc.

A value greater than 1 indicates that the actual AFR is greater than the commanded AFR by the fractional part of the value. i.e. if the value was 1.05, then the difference is 5%, if the value was 1.10 then the difference is 10%, if the value was 1.13 then the difference is 13% etc.

The RTACS software multiplies the existing VE value by a percentage of the BEN factor, the percentage is based on coarse/fine settings.


When the border turns red that indicates that the logged data is currently being discarded because it did not pass the filter(s) that you have in place.


You should also make sure the PCM is operating is open loop to prevent the PCM from fighting against you and adjusting the long/short term fuel trims while you are trying to tune. You can force open loop by increasing all values in B4205 (Closed Loop Temp Enable) to greater than the coolant temp will ever get. That will prevent the PCM from entering closed loop.
Hope this helps!

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