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Tuning Solutions for the Modern Gearhead

Ford Pre-1996 products:

Here are some products which we have to offer that have been successfully used with Ford vehicles.
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 Battery for QH/Ost2/RR/Demon1  Battery for QH/Ost2/RR/Demon1
 Hopefully, you will never need a battery replacement on the Demon1, Quarterhorse, Ostrich2, or Roadrunner. If you do, then you can use this. Most units are soldered in, so be prepared to desolder the old one to replace it. If the old one measures over 2 volts then it should be fine so don't replace it! 
 Binary Editor Software for Fords  Binary Editor Software for Fords
 Binary Editor is one of the best software packages for use with the QuarterHorse. It supports some vehicles "out of the box" and has definitions available (both free and paid) to support other vehicles.

Available from 
 Core Tuning support the QuarterHorse  Core Tuning support the QuarterHorse
 Core Tuning provides tuning software for using the QuarterHorse with a wider range of vehicles than any other vendor. 
 BURN2 Chip Programmer  BURN2 Chip Programmer
USB Chip Programmer works with the AT29C256, 27SF512, and AM29F040 chips. Self-powered from the USB port, so no power adapter is needed! Burner can also be used to read stock GM memcals using the HDR1 adapter. While it will only program the three types of chips listed, please note that those three chips can be used as drop-in replacements for most EFI applications. Comes with stand-alone chip programming software (available for download). Also compatible with TunerPro RT. Will read most stock-style chips (2732A, 27C128/256/512/etc). Mini-USB cable is included. 
 F3v2 Ford Memory Adapter  F3v2 Ford Memory Adapter
 This is the newer version of the F3 chip module for pre-2005 EEC. Compatible with Jaybird and BURN2/FA with free 5.15.F firmware update. Supports 8-positions of 1/2/4-bank. Automatic PATS masking logic with manual jumpers for selective defeat. Full 256k read/write for scratchpad access. 
 Jaybird J3 Module Reader/Programmer  Jaybird J3 Module Reader/Programmer
 This device, coupled with an F3 chip module, is all you will need to recalibrate Ford pre-2005. The Jaybird plugs into the mini-USB on one side and the F3 modules on the other. It takes the place of a chip burner and J3 port adapter (it IS a chip burner with native J3 interface). This device will NOT read stock ECUs, but you can usually download the binary from the internet. If you need to read stock ECUs, you'll still want to look at the BURN2+F2A+F2E. Comes with mini-USB cable. 
 QuarterHorse for Fords  QuarterHorse for Fords
 For a price of $249, the QuarterHorse delivers in unparalleled fashion. The QH plugs into the J3 port like a ordinary chip, but it allows bumpless, 100% realtime tuning AND datalogging while the engine is operating for all supported EEC-IV and EEC-V applications. You can log ANY parameter in RAM from the EEC-IV and V ECM at sample rates well over 20 frames per second. All necessary cabling is included, but software is sold separately. 
 F3v2, F8 or QH Rotary Switch  F3v2, F8 or QH Rotary Switch
 When used with the F3v2, F8 module, provides 8-position adjustability for on-the-fly switching. Connect the cable to your Destiny programmer as needed. Includes 4' cable, switch, billet knob, mounting nut, and connectors. Quarterhorse notes: 4 positions when used with the QH on EEC-IV. NOT to be used with EEC-V and the QH. Not all software supports this! Check with us first. 
 FA Ford Module Programming Adapter  FA Ford Module Programming Adapter
 With this adapter, you will be able to use the Burn2 device to read and write your F3 Ford Memory Module directly! No need to remove the square chip from the module, this lets you read it through the edgecard connector. See the 'FE' for more functionality. 
 FE Ford EEC Computer Reading Interface  FE Ford EEC Computer Reading Interface
 Adapter to read 86-04 Ford EEC ECMs on the bench or in-car using BURN2+FA. 
 Ferrite Bead for 4.5mm USB Cable  Ferrite Bead for 4.5mm USB Cable
 You can add this to your USB cable to reduce RFI noise. If your USB device drops out connection from the PC while the car is running, this might be all you need! Snaps right onto existing USB cable. This one is for the thicker cables (4.5mm max), such as those included with the Ostrich, APU1, and bulkhead-cable kit used with QuarterHorses and Demons. 
 TunerPro RT V5  TunerPro RT V5
 TunerPro RT v5 covers all of the capabilities of the V4 software, as well as many new features including support for the Quarterhorse with Ford datalogging. Advanced ADX configuration and plug-in support opens new doors for communications flexibility. This highly configurable software supports MANY vehicles including GMOBD1, Ford, Nissan, BMW, Porsche, and others. 
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