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This is the most complete kit on the market for Chipping Honda ECUs. This Kit Contains: SST 27SF512 Chip* 28-Pin Collet Socket 28-Pin Low-Profile ZIF Socket 74HC373 Logic Chip 0 Ohm resistor for J1 1k Resistor 0.1 uF Capacitors 4-Pin Datalogging header Replacement capacitor for C14 position (preventive measure)
ECU Compatibility: This kit is compatible with the following US 1992-1995 Honda ECUs: P28 - 1992-1995 Civic Ex/Si | Del Sol Si P30 - 1992-1995 Del Sol VTEC P61 - 1992-1993 Integra GS-R P72 - 1994-1995 Integra GS-R P75 - 1992-1995 Integra RS/LS/GS/SE P05 - 1992-1995 Civic CX P06 - 1992-1995 Civic DX Software Compatibility This kit is fully compatible with Honda Tuning Software/ROM Editors such as: - CROME - Uberdata - Hondata** Product Features: - Low Profile ZIF (Zero-Insertion Force) Socket for easy chip removal without bending the legs. - Filtering capactitors to ensure data integrity from the EEPROM - 2Timer Compatibility - The SST 27SF512 Chip can hold two roms. Instant Switching between these is made possible by the Moates 2Timer. *This kit no longer comes with Atmel 29C256 chips, as they have been long since discontinued by Atmel. The SST chip is a direct replacement when using the Moates Burn1 chip burner. This chip is twice the capacity as the old Atmel chips. On larger chips, the Honda ECU will automatically read the upper half of the chip (addresses 8000 - FFFF). The Moates Burn1 will automatically burn Honda ROMs to these addresses. When using chips burners other than the Moates Burn1, you will need to tell the software to program addresses 8000 - FFFF instead of 0000 - 7FFF. Usually this is called the 'Offset'. **Note Hondata S100/S200 systems will require a non-latched 4-pin Header for the CN2 port. If you are using this for Hondata, please add a comment in your order so we can accomodate you Please also note that you have the option of ordering 'Through-Hole' or 'Surface Mount'. If you have the rectangular or U.S.-made 'large' ECU, then you should get the Through-Hole kit (default, most common). If you have the small, square 'JDM' ECU, then you should get the Surface Mount kit.