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Tuning Solutions for the Modern Gearhead

Tuning Software used with Moates hardware:

Click on these product descriptions to pull up the download links. You may be asked to go to another page, but that's OK. For USB drivers, see our 'Drivers' section.
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Product Name+   Price   Buy Now 
 "Neptune/Demon RTP Hardware/Software Combo"  "Neptune/Demon RTP Hardware/Software Combo"
 Included in this comprehensive kit is one Demon unit and a software license for the NepTune tuning software. Arguably the best solution out there for an enthusiast looking to tune their own car. 
 $399.00  Buy Now 
 Demon Ostrich Reset Utility  Demon Ostrich Reset Utility
 This is used for resetting the status and vendor ID of your Demon or Ostrich. Useful if you'd like to configure your unit to change software types such as Neptune, eCtune, Crome, and TunerPro. 
 ECM852 Serial DOS-Based ALDL Software  ECM852 Serial DOS-Based ALDL Software
 This is the DOS-based software for GM TPI and 93 LT1 which I wrote. A bit dated, but open-sourced and fun for you old QBasic / DOS nerds. 
 Flash & Burn Program for BURN1/2/Jaybird+APU1  Flash & Burn Program for BURN1/2/Jaybird+APU1
 This program is used to control the chip reading / erasing / writing duties of the Burn1, Burn2, Jaybird and APU1 devices. With it, you can read and write chips. Free of charge. 
 TunerPro RT V5  TunerPro RT V5
 TunerPro RT v5 covers all of the capabilities of the V4 software, as well as many new features including support for the Quarterhorse with Ford datalogging. Advanced ADX configuration and plug-in support opens new doors for communications flexibility. This highly configurable software supports MANY vehicles including GMOBD1, Ford, Nissan, BMW, Porsche, and others. 
 $39.00  Buy Now 
 USB Driver  USB Driver
 To download and install the USB drivers needed to use our USB-based products, please click on this link for more information. 
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products) Result Pages:  1 

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